Available Technologies by Category
Predictive Maintenance System for Large-Scale Operations Offers Potential for Significant Cost Savings
  • Consistent workflow improvements: Offers repeatable and consistent enterprise-level improvements to the maintenance workflow.  
  • Proactive readiness: Improves maintenance scheduling, allowing for improved logistics, scheduling, virtual kitting, and part/component availability. 
  • Customizable: Customers can build and tailor their PMx solutions according to their needs, providing increased data control and an alternative to costly and limited solutions.
Image-Based Disease Severity Algorithm
  • The technology utilizes an image-based algorithm and automatic methodology to detect biomarkers in disease.
  • It leverages a well-trained neural network on a dataset of healthy instances to learn the feature distribution of the healthy data.
  • Anomaly detection algorithms generate anomaly scores based on properties of the neural network, providing a measure of severity by assessing how anomalous an instance appears compared to the healthy distribution.
Generative Machine-Learning Model for Preference-Based Attribute Editing and Photorealistic Image Generation
  • User-controlled image attribute editing and generation through paired queries
  • Effective extraction of difficult-to-articulate preferences for personalized content
  • Applications in social media, e-commerce recommendations, and entertainment industries
Custom-Fit Reusable Respiratory Protective Device (RPD) with Continuous Fit Monitoring Improves Comfort and Protection
  • Vastly improves comfort and protection while bringing peace of mind to wearers through a custom fit and continuous monitoring
  • Reduces pressure injuries caused by extended RPD use through both a customized fit and alerts to the wearer when the RPD should be adjusted or removed
  • Minimizes exposures to workplace hazards by immediately detecting leakage during RPD use and alerting the wearer to adjust the device
8876, 9089, 9090, 9091
Deployable Critical Active Learning (DECAL) System Offers Better Characterization for Improved Diagnostics and Imaging
  • The deployable critical active learning (DECAL) system’s bi-modal interface enables better characterization with large training sets that generate more accurate output for higher precision.
  • The algorithm used during the initialization period creates a framework that can be expanded and generalized to any data method and application.
  •  The DECAL algorithm samples uniquely important, unlabeled data to aid existing active learning systems in generalizing more quickly, providing faster diagnosis statistics.
High-Precision, Hands-Free Remote Control of Complex Robotic Systems Via Eye Movements
  • This two-camera eye-tracking system (TCES) integrates a commercial eye tracker with machine-learning technology for continuous real-time classification of gaze and eye directions for robotic arm control. 
  • The system provides highly accurate classification for four directions of eye movement and has achieved 99.99% accuracy in studies.
  • Using simple eye movement, the TCES offers low-cost, high-precision control of external devices/hardware for people with disabilities, surgery robots, warehouse systems, construction tools, and more. 
Enhanced Cybersecurity for Networked Motion Control Systems with Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption
  • Increase cybersecurity with expression rewrite rules for encrypted dynamic control schemes that reduce the multiplicative depth of somewhat homomorphic encryption and improve numerical stability. 
  • New approach generates motion commands to servo systems without creating a security hole.  
  • Information decryption and control signal calculation can be performed and executed inside the plant, while all sensitive system information outside of the plant is always encrypted. 
  • Advanced: Uses a unique smart virtual assistant with a voice interaction model that generates natural conversation to filter out robocalls
  • Robust: Blocks robocalls that other methods may miss, such as those that evade call block lists through caller ID spoofing
  • Unique: Provides the first known system to block mass, evasive, and targeted robocalls using natural, interactive conversation methods rather than relying solely on caller ID and block lists
Generative Causal Explanations for Black-Box Classifiers
  • Increased trust: Has the potential to improve the transparency and fairness of machine learning systems and increase the level of trust users place in their decisions
  • Flexible explanation vocabulary: Provides a rich and flexible vocabulary for explanation that is more expressive than feature selection or saliency map­–based methods
  • Deeper insights: Offers visualizations that can be much more descriptive than saliency maps, particularly in vision applications, leading to better user understanding
IMUTube: Converting Videos of Human Activity into Virtual IMU Data Streams
  • Automated: Automates wearable sensor data collection, which can in turn be used to train HAR models by simply giving them access to large-scale video repositories
  • Accurate: Demonstrated recognition accuracy in some cases comparable to models trained only with non-virtual (“real”) sensor data in benchmark studies
  • Superior: Outperformed models using real sensor data alone by adding only small amounts of real sensor data to the virtual sensor dataset in benchmark studies
Miniaturized Modular-Array Fluorescence Microscopy
  • Powerful: Offers high fluorescence sensitivity, efficiency, and spatiotemporal resolution (~3 µm and up to 60 Hz)
  • Configurable: Offers compatibility with conventional cell culture assays and physiological imaging, providing accessibility to upright physiological imaging and integration with biochemical sensors under the cell platform
  • Efficient: Provides effective parallelization of multi-site data acquisition
Improve the Reliability of Quantum Computers by Mitigating Measurements Errors
  • Increased reliability by 2-3x: Some current quantum computers have average measurement error rates ranging from 6%–8%, with worst case rates ranging from 25%–30%. Georgia Tech’s methods improve measurement fidelity by 2–3x.  
  • Improved usability: Implementation of the EDM uses the top-four mappings produced by the underlying mapping policy.
  • Proactive: Using AIM to predict the state that is being measured and the error rate profile of the machine, the predicted state can be proactively mapped to the strongest state using a specifically designed inversion string.
8207, 8208
Enabling Privacy-Preserving Search Over Fuzzy Databases
  • Privacy-preserving: Improves the security of biometric-based surveillance, identification, or searches for individuals using their biometric data over private databases
  • Timely: Addresses the requirements of recent and emerging privacy protection regulations and policies
  • Practical: Fills a gap in privacy-preserving search technologies, which currently do not accommodate searching of fuzzy data such as biometrics
Virtual Sensing Integrated for Predictive Reliability (VIPR)
  • Advanced: Acquires system data via virtual sensing, without the need for physical sensors in all desired locations
  • Cost-reducing: Aims to reduce maintenance and planning costs for solid rocket motors and potentially other vehicle propulsion systems
  • Predictive: Provides useful, repeatable, extensive data sets to predict rocket performance and enable proactive plans for propulsion system maintenance, upgrades, and replacements, potentially reducing downtime and failures
Microfluidic CODES with Innovative Machine-Learning Analysis
  • Scalable: Set-up allows for the integration of multiple microfluidic devices to increase throughput volume.
  • Versatile: Machine learning analysis can be applied to other microfluidic devices integrated with the same Coulter sensor network.
  • Pragmatic: This innovation improves the capabilities of lab-on-a-chip systems to provide an affordable solution for low-resource settings.
7107, 8032
Utilizing Impedance Spectroscopy for Advanced Characterization of Particles
  • Comprehensive: Simultaneously measures both spatial and dielectric properties of particles
  • Streamlined: Helps resolve signal interference from coincident cells—a challenge of other assessment techniques
  • Precise: Offers complex impedance as a new level of particle feature assessment, integrating it with other measurements such as elasticity and size for more predictive analyses
Privacy-Preserving Remote Biometric Authentication
  • Protective: Designed to eliminate privacy concerns associated with databases of people’s faces
  • Flexible: Supports various biometrics, including face, voice, iris, fingerprint, and gait
  • Remote authentication: Eliminates the need to always possess the enrollment device
‘Intelligent’ Power Amplifier Architecture
  • AI-assisted: Provides the PA self-reconfigurability and robust adaptive operation over environmental changes
  • High performance: Features low latency and fast response capabilities required for many fifth-generation (5G) applications
  • Improved learning efficiency: Incorporates into control algorithms multiple RL frameworks, including CAB, multi-armed bandit, contextual bandit, and actor-critic with experience replay
Contextually Aware, Machine Learning–Based Smart Notification System
  • Increases user efficiency
  • Increases user productivity
  • Reduces user stress
Optical Architecture Enables High-Performance Chips
  • High performance: Provides efficient, practical, and manufacturable optical computing solutions for a variety of platforms
  • Efficient: Permits a new way of designing high-performance computing and decision-making tasks using manufacturable solutions with high-speed processing, despite fabrication imperfections
  • Flexible: Offers photonic chips in a variety of material platforms (i.e., silicon, silicon nitride) and meta-surface arrays implemented in hybrid platforms that combine dielectrics and nonlinear/reconfigurable materials