According to Georgia Tech's Intellectual Property Policy, faculty, staff, and students should report their innovations to us prior to publicly disclosing it.  

Researchers are encouraged to contact the Office of Technology Licensing as early as possible in the discovery process to ensure protection of intellectual property. 

Report a novel discovery or development to the Office of Technology Licensing at least 2 business days prior to public disclosure so that we can: 

  • Accurately establish inventorship and ownership 
  • Determine what form of intellectual property is involved 
  • Evaluate its commercial potential and patentability  

We offer an easy-to-use online Invention Disclosure system to report discoveries and innovations — including the information from the researcher's prior art search. (For software, use the online software disclosure system.) See this PDF for information needed for completing the forms.  To view a list of your own invention submissions, navigate to the "Home" page of the Sophia website.

View a flow chart of the entire process (PDF). For more information, see Understanding the Commercialization Process.
