Available Technologies by Category
Highly Effective Motion Capture Marker for Small Aerial Robots
  • Robust: Improves the reliability and accuracy of the motion capture measurement by eliminating excessive reflection
  • Easy to use: Consists of only a miniature driver circuit and illumination stripe while requiring a simple plug-in power supply to operate
  • Lightweight: Accommodates small robots with limited payload capacity—total weight of an active marker is approximately 1 gram
Fabricating High-Power Solar Cells with a Novel Boron Emitter
  • Efficient: Demonstrates a competitive level of efficiency road map of over 24.2%
  • Cost-effective: Offers a simplified approach for fabricating TOPCon solar cells while still maintaining their efficiency
  • Sustainable: Improves upon current renewable energy solutions that provide alternatives to fossil fuel–based energy consumption
Multi-Functional Sparse Phased Arrays for Guiding Focused Ultrasound Therapies
  • Robust: Provides sensitivity of detection down to a single microbubble for FUS-induced microbubble activity
  • Precise: Offers broadband B-mode imaging capabilities to improve workflow and efficacy of FUS-based therapies
  • Scalable: Enables the formation of large CMUT arrays and subarrays with appropriate element spacing
Heterogeneous Integration Method for III-Nitride Devices
  • High performance: Enables simple and fast transfer to foreign substrates with an automated pick-and-place technique
  • Compatible: Can be used to transfer devices of any shape and size—from micron to millimeter
  • Efficient: Allows reuse of the growth wafer, lowering production costs
High-Performance Broadband Photodetector and Power Generator
  • Versatile: Adjusts for several different parameters, including light intensity, switching frequency, and illumination area
  • Efficient: Provides voltage that is easily converted for use through a medium that is small, low cost, and easily fabricated
  • Highly sensitive: Operates with ultra-high light sensitivity, even at very low light intensity, and fast response speeds
Technique Improves Printing Quality for 3D Nanoprinting
  • High-performance: Enables a powerful process for high-throughput 3D printing of micro- and nanoscale structures
  • Efficient: Reduces defects during printing to improve yield and decrease excess printing commonly observed with FP-TPL
  • Improved: Broadens the applicability of FP-TPL to printing of functional micro- and nanoscale structures
A Semiconductor Particle Detector Based on Work Function Modulation
  • Small: Can be used as a portable radiation detector
  • Versatile: Can be implemented in current particle detectors for accuracy testing and experimental verification
  • Scalable: Offers the potential to be used in creating an array of devices for implementation in larger research experiments
Optical Delay Scanner
  • Efficient – provides 10-times lower wave-front aberration than the best comparable dispersion-free delay line  
  • Simple – simplifies the spectroscopic coherent Raman imaging (CRI) approach
Scalable Vapor Condenser for Power Generation
  • Reduced cost – reduction of sub-cooling in the condenser allows increased thermodynamic efficiency gains for cycles
  • Reduced complexity – simpler components, unlike conventional condenser technologies
  • Scalable – applicable to utility scales ranging from small electronic devices to large power plants
Resonators for Temperature-Stable Oscillators
  • Reduced motional resistance – by using the distributed arrangement for the mode shape
  • Performance scaling –added design freedom of the resonator
  • Compatibility –no dimensional constraints
Soft-Switching, Solid-State Transformers and Converters
  • Cost savings- larger transformers are expensive to build and costly to maintain
  • Space savings- simple, symmetrical architecture with minimal device and component count
  • Higher reliability- less power losses
Stackable Isolated Voltage Optimization Module
  • Provides the ability to boost or buck the voltage of in one phase of  a three phase circuit without affecting the corresponding phase angle
  • Enables autonomous operation and control 
Nanogenerator for Harvesting Energy
  • Compact – Easily used for small electronics
  • Energy saving – Harnesses energy from human body and water wave motions
Efficient, Reliable, Robust Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communications
  • Increased efficiency — Satisfies zero voltage switching condition at 50% duty cycle and shapes the drain voltage at other duty cycles to minimize power loss
  • Improved reliability — Reduces peak drain swing
  • Mitigated variation — Determines optimal adaptation settings for each process shifted device using on-chip sensors and digital logic
Electron Deficient Materials for Use in Electronics
  • Higher electron mobilities
New Methods of Fabrication for Biosensor Arrays
  • Low manufacturing and operating cost
  • Compatible with multiple standard electrochemical techniques
  • Can be used with CMOS detection chips with multiple chemical detection and/or actuation channels or sites
Fluid Management System for Hemofiltration
  • Compact- size addresses concern of restricted bed-side space
  • Age-friendly- potential use in any age group, from newborns to adults
Carbon Nanotube Cold Cathodes
  • More efficient electric propulsion
  • Reduced power and mass expenditures
  • Does not require gas flow to emit electrons
Heterogeneous Interconnect Geometries in Electronic Packages
  • Increased electrical performance of the interconnects
  • Does not compromise mechanical reliability
  • Cost effective
Quantum Dot Lasing in Liquid Solution
  • Can report CdS in a room temperature liquid solution
  • Allows for absorption and photoluminescence decay of the samples