Spot tasks are limited by complex needs to render features

The usage of smartphones and mobile devices has continuously grown over the last decade, and with about 51% of enterprise workers using mandated apps on their phones for business-related purposes, this has led to an increase in opportunities where spot tasks have become applicable. The enabling of spot tasks can often be limited by the constraint of needing to render all features of original applications onto a small screen and the need for complex image recognition or user-defined UI subset for smartphone rendering.

New innovation allows for users to achieve code-less mobilization with remote computing

Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology have developed this new prototype of Taskr that has proven through user studies that it has the potential to reduce task burden significantly when relying on remote computing
to complete spot tasks. This is beneficial for workers who frequently complete tasks on platforms like Email or Twitter.

The invention is a new, do-it-yourself mobilization solution that users of any skill level can rely on to mobilize their spot tasks. Taskr uses remote computing to achieve code-less mobilization, which allows for flexible movable delivery, where users can execute their spot tasks through platforms like Twitter or Email. Spot tasks are simple workflows that can be completed by interacting with just one page of a web-based application.

Solution Advantages
  • Empowers users to drive mobilization efforts themselves by limiting coding skills needed for development of mobile apps. 
  • Mobilizes spot tasks and executes them through various mobile modalities such as app, Twitter DM, text, email etc.
  • Increases security on accounts for mobile apps and has extensions applicable to other workflows. 
  • Uses a remote computing backend which requires minimum development and deployment effort from enterprises.
Potential Commercial Applications
  • Can be used by enterprises to enable their employees to create their own mobile apps without requiring any special skills.