Rapid Mobilization of Essential Enterprise Applications |
5583 |
Skin-Conformal Wearable Stress Monitor Delivers Greater Precision and Continuous, Wireless Monitoring with Comfort and Flexibility |
8414 |
Using Smart Macros to Optimize User Actions on Smartphones |
5501 |
Super Aggregation: Multihoming for Wireless Devices |
4712 |
Fully Passive, Long-Range Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) via 5G |
8141, 8439 |
Smart Webcam Shield Protects Users from Unknown External Digital Intrusion |
8610 |
Adaptive Broadband Impedance Matching in Ultrasound Front-End Electronics |
8342 |
Purely Passive Radio-Frequency Identification |
7194 |
IMUTube: Converting Videos of Human Activity into Virtual IMU Data Streams |
8538 |
Miniaturized Modular-Array Fluorescence Microscopy |
8580 |
Post-Processing Side Chain Cleavage to Enhance Conjugated Polymers |
8702 |
Sustainable Combination Technology Delivers a Long-Lasting Self-Powered Battery |
6418 |
Zeolite Membrane Sieves Fabricated on Low-Cost Alumina Hollow Fiber Substrates |
8080, 8167 |
A First-of-its-Kind Power Amplifier-Based Network for Efficient Broadband Operations |
8158, 8159 |
Flight Control System for Miniature Aerial Robots |
8591 |
Drive Belt with Surface Texture to Minimize Vibrations |
8307 |
Improve the Reliability of Quantum Computers by Mitigating Measurements Errors |
8207, 8208 |
A Low-Loss Broadband Quadrature Signal Generation Technique for Highly Balanced Signals |
7888 |
Polarization-Based Method for Mitigating Wireless Signal Interference Both During Transmission and Receipt |
4087 |
Heat Dissipation for Microelectronic Systems via Capillary Trap |
6272 |