Available Technologies by Category
'Security Refresh': Protecting Phase-Change Memory
  • Longer memory lifespan — Lifetime is extended by creating even wear-out
  • Versatile — Not limited to PCM, can be applied to any future memory technology that suffers from limited write endurance
  • Secure — Protects against attacks by masking actual data location
2D Array Device
  • Simple – does not require microstructure fabrication or periphery equipment, such as pressure-driven pumps to operate
  • Unique – loading method enables rapid sample loading and high-percentage sample isolation simultaneously
  • Cheaper – improvements in efficiency and robustness reduce complexity and overhead expenses
3D Light-Field Endoscopy for High-Precision Microsurgery
  • Enhanced control and safety: Real time visual navigation enhances guidance and intervention in complex microenvironments, maintaining high spatial resolution while providing quantitative depth information
  • Comfortable: System does not require 3D glasses that can cause physician dizziness or headaches after long periods of use
  • Streamlined: Technique eliminates the need for other imaging procedures such as micro-CT or MRI to quantify the 3D morphology of tissue
3D Light-Field Endoscopy Using a Gradient Index Lens Array
  • Measurements: system achieves 'true quantitative' 3D information
  • Imaging and visualization: system brings a great potential for fast 3D quantitative imaging, visualization, and synthesis of the focal stacks
  • Material: method is glass-free
3D Printed Auxetic Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering
  • Faster cell growth rate- decreases average cell age in the finished product and increases vitality
  • Affordable and timely approach for regenerating tissues and replacing native tissues
  • Continuous entry and circulation of nutrients results in less variability between cells
3D Printed Device for Tumor Cell Diagnostics
  • Minimally invasive – potentially eliminates the need for invasive serial biopsies
  • Cheaper – simple manufacturing process
  • Disposable - size and materials allow for easy disposal
3D Printed Tissue-Mimicking Phantoms
  • Fabricates patient-specific tissue-mimicking phantoms with accurate biomechanical properties, in addition to accurate geometric properties
  • Associates biomechanical properties with gender, age, and other physiological/pathological conditions of the patient
A Bi-Directional Amplifier for 5G Communication
  • Reverse isolation, higher gain, and better stability at millimeter-wave frequencies
  • Doesn’t require high supply level
  • Efficiently meets bandwidth and mobile data demand
A Biodegradable Polymer for Medical Applications
  • Adaptive and applicable – mechanical properties can be tailored to the desired medical application
  • Controlled biodegradation- biodegradation profile is easily adjustable
A Biological Computing Framework for Living Systems
  • Innovative: Builds on probabilistic computing principles to construct analog biological bits, enabling an entirely new set of logic gates and algorithms and potentially allowing users to solve previously intractable problems
  • Robust: Can sense every extracellular protease encoded in the human genome, for which there is a known peptide substrate, enabling a simple plug-and-play framework for communicating with a variety of biological activities and offering performance competitive with DNA-based computers but with increased processing speed
  • Relevant: Provides a framework based on biological activity and constructed from biological materials, which enables a direct interface with and understanding of living materials and systems
A Biomimetic Nose with Machine Learning for Advanced Threat Detection
  • Enhanced chemical detection: Reduces proximity issues and enhances detection
  • Functional in air and liquid mediums: Can detect single or multiple chemical agents even when the medium contains both a liquid and a gas. An attachment makes it possible to use the device in liquid with air monitoring sensors.
  • Continuous improvement: Uses machine learning algorithms to continually improve agent characterization
A Brayton Electrochemical Refrigerator/Air-Conditioner
  • The Brayton Electrochemical Refrigerator/AC is a new, electrochemistry-based method of highly efficient cooling. 
  • Based on the Brayton cycle, the process provides continuous cooling while also providing near-zero global warming potential (GWP) refrigeration.
  • This technology is highly efficient with a measured coefficient of performance that exceeds 8 as well as a non-flammable and non-toxic technology.
A Broadband Mm-Wave for Multi-Band Applications
  • Higher efficiency in the power back-off
  • Higher linearity in the power back-off
  • Higher modulation speed up-to Giga-symbols
A Chip-Scale Linear Ion Trap to Enable Portable Mass Spectrometers
  • Enabling: Can be used in the development of much smaller mass spectrometers than are currently available—from benchtop devices to handheld or even smaller instruments—which would extend their use to applications in which they are not currently cost effective
  • High-performance: Provides better than unit-mass resolution and high detection efficiency, and operates at much higher pressures than larger mass analyzers, as shown during lab-based simulations
  • Multi-modal: Allows for several different modes of operation and enables tandem(MS/MS or MS2) or multi-stage/sequential (MSn) mass spectrometry, greatly improving capability compared with other analyzers
A First-of-its-Kind Power Amplifier-Based Network for Efficient Broadband Operations
  • Unmatched: Provides first-of-its-kind broadband performance with 26-41 GHz instantaneous 1 dB power gain bandwidth and 25.8-41.3 GHz instantaneous P1dB output power bandwidth—both of which far out-perform currently available techniques
  • Simplified: Sidesteps the need for any tuning or reconfiguration while still providing best-in-class broadband performance
  • Efficient: Significantly improves power amplifier back-off and average efficiency with two efficiency peaks and deep power back-off (12 dB), and maintains better than 38% power-added efficiency at P1dB
8158, 8159
A First-of-its-Kind, Ultra-Low Voltage Single-Element Amplified Backscatter System
  • Streamlined: Uses a single element—one tunnel diode with few passive components—to achieve dual functionality of simultaneous oscillation and reflection-amplification
  • Efficient: Combines the features of conventional RFIDs and tunnel diode-based reflection amplifiers while using an extremely low biasing voltage of only 88 mV, consuming only 20 μW, and offering a reflection gain of 48 dB
  • Long range: Provides the highest observed gain in the literature for a given input power
A Low-Loss Broadband Quadrature Signal Generation Technique for Highly Balanced Signals
  • Superior: Provides lower loss, wider bandwidth, better mismatch reduction, zero power consumption, and more balanced quadrature signals compared with other currently available technologies
  • Validated: Achieves an average IRR of 37.5 dB across 40-76 GHz and 33.5 dB across 40-102 GHz, with each stage of the network enhancing IRR by approximately 8 dB in verification of proof-of-concept image-reject mixers
  • Convenient: Eliminates the need for additional calibration and tuning and has reduced sensitivity to fabrication process variations
A Machine Learning Algorithm for Material Property Predictions
  • Faster: this approach provides a speed up of several orders of magnitude relative to the current methods
  • Accuracy: despite faster speed, accuracy is not compromised
  • Efficient: solves electronic structure problems
A Mechanical Topological Insulator-Based Multiplexer/Demultiplexer
  • Novel: Offers the first known design of its kind, addressing the signal loss challenges of applying acoustic wave technologies to mechanical applications
  • Practical: Enables potential development of a single mechanical platform to accomplish both filtering and channeling using inexpensive components that avoid high battery usage
  • Signal-protecting: Guides waves from input(s) to output(s) with minimal signal loss and topological protection from backscattering
A Method for Creating a Protective Cap Layer for Semiconductor Wafers
  • Protective: Provides a thin protective layer or “cap” after the first layer is deposited, protecting the underlying structure from atmospheric contaminants
  • Robust: Enables realization of the advantages of hybrid growth processes by eliminating performance-degrading contaminants and resulting defects
  • Advanced: Offers superior protection against contamination compared with simple chemical cleaning methods utilized in other systems, especially against impurity species such as oxides