Available Technologies by Category
Cross-Coupled VCO With Phase Noise Performance
  • Inherently separate device source nodes for the cross-coupled devices with no compromise on the VCO startup condition.
  • The new topology ensures both low phase noise and low DC power.
  • Superior close-in 1/f3 phase noise.
Sutures with Porous Sheaths for Drug Delivery
  • Accelerated wound healing and tissue regeneration through drug-eluting sutures
  • Increased drug loading and sustained drug delivery due to the interconnected porosity feature of the sutures
  • Release of cytokines, extracellular matrix proteins, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and pain management drugs to injury site
Methods for Sensing Wearouts of Electronic Circuits
  • Circuit details are taken into account in estimating lifetime
  • Wearout methods can be used to determine “timing closure” at 10 years lifetime
  • Methods serve as foundation for a new electronic design automation tool for “timing closure”
Inkjet Printed Reflect Array with Van-Atta Operation
  • Low cost
  • Fully inkjet-printed
  • Flexible
Method to Enrich Glyco-Peptides & Proteins for Analysis
  • More effective - enrichment of glycoproteins and glycopeptides in complex biological samples, especially low-abundance ones
  • Reversible binding - for  intact glycoprotein and glycopeptide analysis
Fog-Free GTE Ventilated Face Mask
  • Unique- fog-free patient eye-contact
  • Non-invasive- reduced stress in extended medical staff contact with patients
  • Simple-  economical and durable
Autonomous Indoor Robotic Blimps
  • Miniature size and low cost
  • Flight duration of more than 3 hours
  • Safe interaction with humans
Dual Electrode Ultrasonic Transducers
  • Optimized – allows for both transmitting and receiving signals to be optimized
  • Reduced Interference – reduces interference in receiving and transmitting signals to reduce dead zones
OptiFlo - A Single Ventricle Heart Repair Device
  • Improved quality of life­– optimizes blood flow and improves post-operative results by reducing recovery time
  • Assistive– reduces work for single ventricle
  • Controllable – proposed device regulates blood flow and pressure
Disposable Cassette for Dialysis
  • Efficient- designed to minimize human error and reduces set-up time of dialysis treatment
  • Automated- enables automated dialysis mode selection using radio frequency identification
  • Disposable-  eliminates potential contamination in patient treatment


Wearable Robotic Limb
  • The limb uses Artificial Intelligence and machine learning to understand what the user wants it to do and how to perform the required tasks in a changing environment
  • The limb’s movements are modeled based on human motions and therefore operate smoothly and look natural.
  • Proprietary multi-limb mounting design
Grain Structure of Stainless Steel for Anti-Wetting Properties
  • Utilizes intrinsic grain structures of stainless steel to modify surface wettability
  • More efficient fluid transport and reduced energy consumption
  • Does not require the deposition of additional coatings
Microfluidic Platform for High-Density Cell Delivery
  • Allows for hundreds of cells to be immobilized on a very small footprint- including non-adherent cells
  • Can analyze cell response at a single-cell resolution
  • Can simultaneously observe cell response and generate chemical cues- allows for observation of immediate cell response
Methods for Generating Functional Therapeutic Cells
  • Novel – No present technology exists
  • Versatile – Can be adapted to suit a variety of diseases, human and animal
  • Targeted – Antigen-binding qualities within the B cell allow for highly specific therapies
Generating Power via High-Efficiency Electrochemical Converter
  • Lower cost: The working fluid and storage materials are inexpensive.
  • Multifunctional: Multiple functions (e.g., solar conversion, thermal storage, electrochemical storage) can be integrated in a single system.
  • High efficiency: This device’s heat-to-electricity conversion has the potential to be twice what has been achieved previously.
Non-contact vital sign detection
  • Automatically adjusts the feedback signals to suppress the noise when the measurement environment changes
  • Improves SNR by 50% at 50 cm when compared to an unlocked system
  • Detects heartbeat at 250 cm, more than twice the distance of the unlocked system
Method for Preconcentration and Capture of Target Bacteria
  • Offers an inexpensive and rapid method for sample pre-concentration to improve food safety assays
  • Provides enhanced mixing and a high probability of target bacteria capture
  • Enables detection of low concentrations of target bacteria
Ultra-Compact, Low-Power THz Radio
  • A THz fully integrated super-harmonic (2nd harmonic) regenerative receiver architecture, which detects the incoming THz signals and injection-locks to a regenerative receiver operating at a lower frequency
  • Reduces power consumption and improves the efficiency for THz signal generations
  • Employs a bidirectional and circuit-sharing architecture, so the THz receiver and the THz transmitter share the same oscillator operating at half the frequency
Dual-Energy Computed Tomography Through Primary Beam Modulation
  • More affordable than currently available comparable DECT components.
  • Eliminates the need for two scans, resulting in a shorter imaging time and reducing issues associated to patient motion during scans.
  • Compatible with most CT scanners, including cone-beam CT.
Electroactive Polymers with Rapid Switching Rates
  • Environmentally friendly: Aqueous/Organic processing is safer than the aromatic hydrocarbon and chlorinated solvents typically used.
  • Higher levels of electric power: Films made with this technology have significantly faster redox switching rates of up to 10V/s.
  • Versatile: Various electrolyte systems have been successfully tested, including organic, aqueous, the spinal fluid analog Ringer’s solution, and even commercially available sports drinks.