Available Technologies by Category
Tunable MEMs Gas Sensor Improves Selectivity and Sensitivity
  • Versatile: Customizes MEMS chemical sensors, compatible with a variety of sensing materials, allowing for the detection of numerous gas-phase analytes
  • Easy to manufacture: Uses batch-fabricated sensors compatible with COTS electronics
  • Highly sensitive: Offers sub parts-per-million detection limits for volatile organic compounds
  • Enhanced selectivity: Combines gravimetric and impedimetric responses to demonstrate enhanced discrimination between multiple VOCs
  • Powerful: Enables the simultaneous observation of both mass loading and dielectric changes in polymeric sensing films upon sorption of an analyte
  • Innovative: Uses the transient response characteristics of a sensor response to a gated exposure event, rather than steady-state sensor data
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Advanced Error Measurement System for Additive Manufacturing Machines
  • Advanced technology for precise error measurement in AM machine optomechanical systems
  • Innovative laser-based method to identify and correct focal errors in PBF-LB AM machines
  • Comprehensive approach enhances machine performance and output quality
Algorithm for Optical Microscopy Image Denoising and Restoration
  • Miro performs consistent noise correction independent of the image sampling rate (working even with sparse images).
  • MIRO is compatible with all major imaging systems and camera types.
  • Unlike existing approaches, MIRO uses pattern, uniform, and non-uniform noise statistics to correct microscopy-relevant noise sources.
Device Continuously Separates Functionalized Magnetic Microparticles from Solids to Yield Benefits for the Pharmaceutical Industry and More
  • Magnetic force is used to enhance traditional solid-solid separation techniques to yield a high-purity product stream and continuously return catalyst to a reactor.
  • The device is capable of continuous separation for multiple hours and can be parallelized or ran in series to improve solids throughput and separation efficiency.
  • This technology could help accelerate the adoption of continuous, heterogeneously catalyzed reactive crystallizations and, more generally, expand the chemistries and processes fit for continuous manufacturing. 
Distributed Position, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) Chain Significantly Improves Drone Navigation When GPS Fails
  • The robust Distributed PNT Chain enables a swarm of drones or other autonomous platforms to effectively navigate when they are denied GPS access. 
  • The system shares and processes all available sensor data to significantly improve the robustness and reliability of drone teams.
  • The highly modular system is interoperable with preexisting GPS INSs and supports variable and evolving platform geometries.
Catalyst for Degradation of Traditional PET
  • Degradation of PET products lead to less landfill waste.
  • The technology has applications in bio-based packaging to eliminate single-use plastics.
  • Degradation does not give rise to microplastics, which are hazardous.
Image-Based Disease Severity Algorithm
  • The technology utilizes an image-based algorithm and automatic methodology to detect biomarkers in disease.
  • It leverages a well-trained neural network on a dataset of healthy instances to learn the feature distribution of the healthy data.
  • Anomaly detection algorithms generate anomaly scores based on properties of the neural network, providing a measure of severity by assessing how anomalous an instance appears compared to the healthy distribution.
Super-resolution microscope for 3D cell and tissue imaging
  • The technology facilitates super-resolution cell and tissue imaging with multiple colors.
  • The technology provides easy access to commonly adopted protocols, which has an expected wide usage.
  • 3D multifocal scanning microscopy facilitates stationary, multi-focal excitation, thus achieving super-resolution microscopy.
Generative Machine-Learning Model for Preference-Based Attribute Editing and Photorealistic Image Generation
  • User-controlled image attribute editing and generation through paired queries
  • Effective extraction of difficult-to-articulate preferences for personalized content
  • Applications in social media, e-commerce recommendations, and entertainment industries
Synthetically Generated, Realistic, and Controllable Human Bio-Signals from Participant-Free Data Collection
  • Synthetic data generation system replicates human body signals and uses a deep generative model to create synthetic SCG beats without human participants. 
  • Transformer-based generative model synthesizes SCG beats that are physiologically diverse and realistic. 
  • Clinically relevant feature inputs act as controls for aortic opening (AO) and aortic closing (AC) features of the generated SCG beat.
Quantum Tunneling Radio Positioning System Achieves Higher Levels of Accuracy and Longer Range for Next-Generation Wireless Networks
  • This radiolocation system uses quantum tunneling tags (QTT) capable of operating in non-line-of-sight conditions to achieve longer range communications in outdoor and indoor applications. 
  • The use of QTTs, paired with a frequency hopping reader, results in positioning accuracy not achievable with standard methods.
  • QTTs are inexpensive and operate under low power requirements to offer an affordable orientation system with long battery life.
Tactical Gloves for Accurately Tracking Munitions Use
  • The gloves include an antenna that is woven into the palm of the glove, which is constructed of comfortable, flexible materials that can operate at a range of frequencies.
  • Morphological actuation in the gloves supports safe use.
  • To resolve operation ambiguities and improve safety, the gloves include a fingerprint scanner.
Superluminescent Light Projection (SLP) System Decreases Nanoscale Printing Costs by 10–50 Times
  • This superluminescent light projection (SLP) system decreases overall nanoscale printing costs by 10–50 times. 
  • A parallel writing mechanism supports higher throughput speeds: up to 100 times higher than existing metal printing methods and four times higher than existing polymer printing methods. 
  • SLP creates sharp-edged images with minimal speckling patterns, resulting in high-resolution images and structures on both polymer and metal-based films. 
Versatile Continuum Robots with Variable Stiffness Control for Improved Positioning and Manipulation
  • Continuum robot design offers stiffness control continuously along the length of a guidewire or at variable discrete locations along the structure’s length. 
  • Versatile design is not restricted to one actuator type along the length of the guidewire, and elements can be placed along any section of the guidewire body.
  • With better control of the wire positioning within a patient’s anatomy, it may be possible to improve treatment outcomes.
Metasurface Enables Rapid, Sensitive, and Low-Cost Permittivity Characterization of Dielectric Materials at Radio Frequencies
  • Characterize complex permittivity of dielectric materials at radio frequencies quickly and at lower cost than with existing techniques. 
  • The electronically reconfigurable system allows integration of active electronics for tunability and eliminates the need for several masks to achieve the needed bandwidth.
  • Measure individual frequencies by swapping out only the metasurfaces, which can be used on a wide range of sample thicknesses.
Patient-Centered Biofeedback Headset Can Isolate, Monitor, and Analyze Vocal Output in Real Time for Optimal Voice Modulation in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease
  • Innovative headset offers real-time haptic feedback for vocal improvement and increased patient autonomy.
  • Device stores easily accessible data for therapist review and fine-tuning of preset therapeutic thresholds to continually improve vocal output.
  • Lightweight, low-profile, battery-powered headset are favorable for all-day wear and use omnidirectional microphones for optimal comfort.
Microfluidic System Enables Scalable, High-Throughput Separation for High-Purity Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (hiPSCs)
  • Simple, tunable high-throughput process separates hiPSCs quickly and efficiently according to the degree to which they adhere to a substrate inside the microfluidic device. 
  • Separation of intact cell colonies enables this simple system to avoid damaging and adversely affecting the pluripotency of the cells.
  • The approach is fast, does not rely on labeling technologies, supports greatly enriched cells, and results in a cell survival rate greater than 80%.
Hydrogel-Based Artificial Ligaments Offer Substantial Improvements for ACL Reconstruction Therapies
  • This biocompatible hydrogel-based device is designed to reproduce natural ligament/tendon function to decrease the incidence of immune responses that lead to chronic inflammation.
  • An alternative to standard artificial ligaments and tendons, the device is designed to be placed via non-invasive techniques, making it a safer alternative to current, invasive surgical methods.
  • Non-biodegradable hydrogels are highly durable, potentially increasing the lifespan of the prostheses.
Universal Transcriptional Programming in a Bacteroides Consortium Creates a Foundation to Advance Living Therapeutics
  • Consortium-based, universal transcriptional programming framework is a biotic decision-making technology using genetic circuit compression in a Bacteroides community.
  • Compressed genetic circuit design shortens circuit-building time, offers a compact circuit footprint that allows more complexity, uses fewer resources, and reduces cell communication time. 
  • Has potential applications in living therapeutics, advanced biomanufacturing, and next-generation biosecurity.
Fast, Effective Thrombolytic Agent for Arterial Blood Clots
  • The disulfide dimer of the amino acid cystine, has the potential to be a highly efficient thrombolytic agent for treating dangerous arterial blood clots.
  • During in vitro testing DiNAC dissolved thrombi in as quickly as 90 seconds and reduced the diameter and surface area of certain thrombi by 50–95 percent.
  • DiNAC has the potential to treat multiple conditions associated with arterial thrombus formation and to mitigate life-threatening side effects.